Ocean, sand, mangroves and beautiful trees all surround Small Hope Bay Lodge. Living within this ecosystem are more than 300 species of birds! 109 species breed in the Bahamas, 169 species are migrants or winter here, and 45 species are endemic. Some, like the Greater Flamingo and the Bahama race of the Cuban Parrot, can only be found in the wild on one or two of the islands.
In the Mangroves between the beach and road of Small Hope Bay Lodge you can spot waders, rails, bitterns, ibis, and ducks. In the nature trails there are many chances to see some of the shy denizens of the coppice, like the Key West Quail Dove, the Great Lizard Cuckoo, the Bahamas Yellowthroat, the Greater Antillean Bullfinch.
Currently, a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron is bravely walking along the beach here at Small Hope. During cocktail hour at the bar many Red-Winged Blackbirds are flying about. Just a few days ago a baby Savannah Sparrow visited the bar and sang for all the guests before flying inland.
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