It was only a matter of time before Hollywood discovered the pristine beaches of Small Hope Bay Lodge and realized that the Lodge would make a perfect shooting location. The last few weeks have been a busy time for us, not only because of Spring Breaks and Easter, but because we have hosted two television crews filming on location at SHBL.

Destination Truth, a cryptozoology show on the Sci Fi channel, spent two days diving and exploring one of the mythological creatures that is reputed to live on Andros. We're not going to tell which one because we don't want to spoil the surprise. Look for our episode on Season Three of Destination Truth, coming in September! Destination Truth is on the Sci Fi Channel, Wednesday nights at 10pm.

The History Channel's UFO Hunters stayed for nine days this past week, also diving and exploring the island. The crew managed to get in some snorkeling, windsurfing, kayaking and a little bit of a sailing adventure! Again, we can't talk about the content of the show but a lot of the interviews were done on the beaches around the Lodge and on the outside patio. Mike Hornby will be interviewed on the show and Divemaster Amanda may make a cameo appearance!
There is less of a wait for this show -- our episode will air in May or June. Check out UFO Hunters, Wednesday nights at 10pm on the History Channel!
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