40 years ago, scuba diving was in its infancy and diving lodges were few and far between. Bill and Jean from Canada loved diving and everything that came with it and made it down to Small Hope Bay Lodge in 1969 to do some diving -- double hosed regulators and all! They came to the Lodge for three consecutive years and then spent forty years away from Andros - raising six children and living in happy matrimony (53 years and counting!)
Bill and Jean decided to vacation back in time this year and came back to SHBL for a two week stay. Besides enjoying the sun and sitting by the fire reading their books, they told guests and staff alike stories about how the Lodge was forty years ago, when Jeff and Margo were just tykes and our fearless founder, Dick, was doing wonderful things for the sport of diving.
And from what we gathered, things haven't changed much! We are still a family friendly, eccentric and fun way to get away from it all! Pin It Now!
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