But some are fortunate enough to be able to travel with their dogs! These jet-setting animals are lucky enough to see some of the world with their family, either due to their portable size, or mellow temperament, or (even better) both!
Small Hope Bay Lodge is an all inclusive, PET FRIENDLY resort! Dogs are welcome here! There is a one-time fee of $25, and the rest is a breeze. We just ask the dogs adhere to the same rules as Sassy - not in the dining areas; not loud; not harassing staff or guests.
Here are some tips for bringing your pet to the Bahamas:
- Pet must be 6 months or older
- The dog must be rabies vaccinated within the appropriate time
- You must have a certificate of good health from a veterinarian
- You need to fill out a permit application and pay a $10 processing fee (per animal)

The Bahamas does not quarantine animals that have met the necessary requirements. The permits are one-time use only.
Most websites suggest you submit your application no less than 4 weeks for processing. But you could probably push that back to 6 weeks to allow for "island time", as well as any holidays, etc.

Bahamas Government Domestic Animal Permit Application
Bahamas Government Info About Bringing Pets
Additional Bahamas Government Info Regarding Pets
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