We Saw a Manta Ray!
The day started out great when our dive staff and a few of our
guests were treated to an amazing sighting out on the dock. While
gearing up to go and dive our signature "Over the Wall" dive a manta ray
came cruising by to say good morning.
We Went Over the Wall!
If the manta ray sighting wasn't enough our divers then had an awesome time diving Over the Wall. There is nothing like nitrogen narcosis while sitting on an ancient beach and looking down at the 6000ft drop of the tongue of the ocean! A curious reef shark decided to join us at 185' to check out the view. A truly magnificent dive!
Plane Wreck!
To top it all off our divers were lucky enough to be the first to officially dive our brand new site "The Landing Strip". This is a project that the staff of Small Hope Bay Lodge worked hard on this summer and it is great to see the guests enjoying it. Everyone got a little goofy and posed for some great pictures with the wreck!