As many know, the history of Small Hope Bay Lodge is a long (and very interesting) one. Thankfully there are some who have kept records and accounts. Here is one of the first-hand accounts of Small Hope by none other than Rosi Birch (now Rosi Lovdal) . . .
Birch Family History

Dick Birch came
to Andros from Hamilton, Ontario in 1959 to begin the building of Small Hope
Bay Lodge which subsequently opened for its first tourist in December of
1960. His wife Joan had stayed behind in
Canada with their three children , Janet, Margo and Jeff while she completed
her degree in teaching,
The family joined
Dick and Joan began her teaching career at the Calabash Bay School in 1960.
Joan continued her teaching career both on Andros and then in Nassau until her
retirement. There are many Bahamians who
remember ”Ms. Boich” with love and gratitude through her many years as a
beloved teacher.

Dick had been
interested and involved in politics in Canada and not long after starting his
life in the Bahamas he met Lyndon Pindling, and became familiar with the then fledgling
PLP party. It seems that his involvement
with the PLP was frowned upon to the extent that a major lumber company refused
to ship materials to Dick on Andros while he was building the lodge. He then
set up his own small saw mill and began using Andros pine which he cut up north
and then hauled down to Small Hope by sea.
The Andros pine was so heavy that it didn’t float while he was hauling
it, he remembered that being extremely difficult. The pine was so dense that he couldn’t hammer
nails into it. But it stands today, as a
testament to the sturdiness of both Dick Birch and the Andros pine.

When Canadian
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was a guest at Small Hope Bay Lodge, Dick and
Rosi arranged a private meeting between Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime
Minister Pindling at the Lodge who enjoyed their private meetings on several
Canadian Prime
Minister Trudeau was an avid SCUBA diver and frequent guest at Small Hope. Around 1970 Dick Birch taught Prime Minister
Pindling how to SCUBA dive and accompanied him on a number of dives to explore
the underwater wonders of the Andros Reef.
It was about this time that the government began to lay down environmental
protective legislation making the Bahamas one of the first to do so.

In 1970 when it
was becoming apparent that the Bahamas would seek independance from Great
Britain, there was much idealism in the air. In the midst of the enthusiasm about
independance Rosi Birch was aware of the
number of Bahamians who were seeking work, especially the women. It was at that time that Rosi conceived the
idea for ”Androsia”; a way to create jobs for the women of Andros, making
something beautiful and reflecting the beauty of the Bahamas. Starting in old bath tubs at Small Hope Bay
in 1970, the business grew, the number of employees grew and eventually moved
to the warehouse behind the old Lighthouse Club, with the help of Mr. W.
Edgecombe. It was in fact the same Mr.
Edgecombe who had helped Dick Birch when he visited from Canada in the 1950s to
find the property that is now Small Hopoe Bay Lodge. The first ”Androsia”
fashion show was held in 1973 at the Nassau Beach Hotel.

It was also
during this early period that the annual tradition began of Margeurite Pindling
having an ”Androsia” fashion show for her annual PLP Ladies Luncheon. It was then that Rosi Birch began the annual tradition
of releasing a big basket of Andros land crabs out onto the floor in the midst
of the dancers at the end of each fashion show.
The sign of the crab! being the sign of the PLP.
During the start up years of ”Androsia” Small Hope Bay Lodge was the cradle for ”Androsia”. Many guests at Small Hope brought their expertise to the fledgling business; wax chemists from the University of Toronto; dye chemist specialists from Washington, DC; batik artists from Germany, a garment designer from Great Britain, all who just happened to be guests at Small Hope and who offered their time and knowledge enthusiastically, continuing the tradition of generosity of Small Hope and its guests from all over the world.
Dick and Rosi
Birch traveled a number of times on behalf of the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism,
appearing on what were then live televison interviews, promoting the Bahamas in
both Canada and the US. Rosi traveled
with a group of Bahamian models and gave the traditonal dancing ”Androsia”
fashion show in many cities across the United States to promote the
During this same
period just before Independance, Dick and Rosi Birch added another son to their
family of seven children, this time a native son, when Peter Douglas,
originally from Long Island, joined the Small Hope Bay family. He continues to
live on Andros, representing the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism. He is the creator of the Crab Fest, one of
the most popular festivals in all of the Bahamas family of Islands. His wife Gabrielle has been a teacher on
Andros for many years, and today runs the ANCAT office in Fresh Creek. Their three children are growing into their
contribution to Andros and the Bahamas.
ANCAT, Andros
Conservancy and Trust, has been strongly influenced by the Birch family, by
Rosi’s children through EdoEd, especially Scot Kurth Rosi’s son, and Peter
Douglas, Dick and Rosi’s Bahamian son.
The Birch Family’s early interests in conservation continue as an
important part of their tradition. Large
parts of Andros are preserved as national parks, the most recent being the West
Side of Andros. The Bahamas now has the
largest area of conserved natural parks of any nation in the Caribbean.

Jeff’s children
Casey and Brian both live and work on Andros, Casey with Androsia and Brian
with his Dad at Small Hope Bay. Rosi
Birch’s children also remain involved with Andros, her oldest son Scot raising
his two sons at Young Sound. All four of Rosi’s children Heidi, Krista, Scot
and Topher are involved with ecological issues on Andros through their
organization EcoEd.. Three of Rosi’s grand sons have also worked at Small Hope
Bay as divers.
All three
grandmothers lived at Small Hope Bay Lodge in their later lives; Dick’s Mother
Dorothy, Joan’s Mother Jean, and Rosi’s Mother Rosalie. So the Birch Family is
in its 5th generation of life on Andros, now including the great great
grandchildren of Dorothy, Jean and Rosalie.
Today in 2016 Small
Hope Bay Lodge is in its 56th year, the oldest family owned resort in the
entire Caribbean, and Androsia is in its 46th year, and commonly known as the
National fabric of the Bahamas.
The beat goes