Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stefano and Rita's Visit

Recently we had Stefano and Rita here from Georgetown visiting. They both enjoyed there holiday and the diving, both completing there PADI Advanced Water Course. Here are a few words they had to say both in English and there native tongue Italian..........

Andros, an ancient name for a magical island! On the east coast, the Small Hope Lodge offers small hope to find buried treasures but large hope for an unusually relaxing atmosphere and a great vacation. We came here to dive the reported unusual geological features that include a wall 6000ft deep and a variety of caves.
We must say that our wishes were fully granted. The diving sites along the wall as well as in shallow water were amazingly preserved. Although the fish life was not as abundant as in other location in the Caribbean, the variety of soft coral, sponges and coral formations made each dive a Garden exploration, What makes diving at Small Hope unique however, is the fact that this is the only dive operation on this island and that the dive sites are unspoiled in contrast most other resorts that are too often over dived.
The other unique aspect of the Lodge is the management that has a long experience in dive instruction and can offer a broad spectrum of dives from discover scuba to technical cave diving, tailored to individual needs. In fact the guests in the resort ranged from seasoned divers craving for new experience, to family that wish to share with their children the amazing insights into nature that diving offers. All this is in a simple and unspoiled natural setting, with unique birds and plants, and at the same time the comfort of modern life.
But the most positive experience for us was the people that run the resort. On one side warm Bahamian that takes sincere pleasure to make you happy, from dive masters to gifted chefs. On the other side interesting “adventurers” from many different countries, that all share the passion for diving and diving instructions. It is no wonder that we had a true learning experience, with one of the last dives inside the amazing blue hole an unforgettable experience.


Andros, un antico nome per un magica isola, la piu grande e meno abitata delle Bahamas. “Small Hope Lodge”, situato sulla costa est di quest’ isola, offre poche speranze di trovare tesori di pirati nascosti ma grandi speranze di trovare un insolita atmosfera e una vacanza diversa dal solito. Siamo venuti a fare immersioni subacquee e scoprire l’insolito fondale marino che include una barriera corallina sul bordo di un abisso profondo 2000 metri, con tanto di grotte, caverne marine e altre formazioni geologiche.
Le nostre speranze si sono avverate pienamente. La barriera corallina e’ incontaminata, e anche se la quantita’ e varieta di pesci e’ minore che in altre localita’ dei Caraibi, la complessita dei coralli e della spugne fa di ogni immersione una visita a un giardino fantastico. Cio che rende Small Hope Lodge unico e’ il fatto che essendo la sola concessione per immersioni subacquee su una grande isola, ha una barriera corallina non sfruttata dall industria turistica.
L’altro aspetto che rende questo posto unico e’ la lunga esperienza dei gestori nell’insegnamento delle tecniche di immersione. Dai principianti ai semiprofessionisti c’e’ ne’ per tutti. Gli ospiti del Lodge sono esperti che cercano il brivido dell’immersione in grotta ma anche famiglie che desiderano avere un primo approccio con le bellezze naturali che le immersioni subacquee offrono. L’ambiente e’ all’insegna della semplicita’ ma anche del conforto.
Sia gli “Androsiani”, dai cuochi ai dive master, con il sincero desiderio di soddisfare l’ospite, che gli istruttori da tutto il mondo con passione per l’immersioni e l’insegnamento ci hanno offerto una esperienza positiva. Indimenticabile e altamente raccomandato e’ l’immersione nel “blue hole”.

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