Intern requirements:
- 18 and over
- Great attitude
- Ability to adapt to different jobs
- Great interpersonal skills
- Good swimming abilities
Diving experience and certification are a bonus but not necessary. If you have the right attitude, we'll give you all the training you will need!
Small Hope internships give you experience in not only diving and watermanship but you will also leave with a great working knowledge of the hospitality industry as a whole.
Apply for internship at Write us a letter telling us about you and why you would make a great intern. Application deadline is April 1, 2009.
In 2008, we had three interns, Seicha, Tanya and Hayley.

Seicha is a sophomore at Brown University studying linguistics. She is a native Androsian who was raised in and around the water by her parents, Tim and Beth. Seicha has worked at SHBL since she was 13 and started summer interning after she moved to the States for high school. Seicha became a PADI Divemaster when she turned 18.

The interns work hard helping out the regular staff but everyone gets to have fun. We take our jobs very seriously but as you can see from the video below (a clip of a video that Tanya made at the end of the summer this year), sometimes we just have to cut loose and dance!
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