The day began with a picture perfect sunrise. The divers all headed out the Ocean Blue Hole and Lieben's Point for a morning of great diving.
Since our divers had been here and diving for a couple of days, they were game for a game. Norm, Conor, Duane and Kim took part in the First Annual Small Hope Bay Lodge Underwater Turkey Bowl, along with Divemasters Amanda, Loren, Ashley and Dennis. It was a tight game of flag football using the Toypedo as a ball but the Hammerheads managed to pull a win out against the Fighting Devil Rays, thanks to a clutch "run" by Duane. Check out the entire video here!

After we had all worked up a healthy appetite, it was time to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast. Once again, our chefs outdid themselves with four main entrees, delicious sides and SIXTEEN desserts! The Lodge hosts dinners like this four times a year (the other three are at Christmas, New Years and Easter) and all the staff, guests and discerning members of the community were very enthusiastic about their meal (especially the chocolate mousse!)