Welcome to Small Hope Bay Lodge, since 1960 we have been hosting scuba divers, nature lovers, & friends at our out island getaway in the Bahamas. Let us introduce you to this unique island, from dramatic scuba diving, the best snorkeling sites, world class bonefishing, & more. Unspoiled & virtually undiscovered. Andros Island, Bahamas is a world apart from the crowds & a true Bahamas Vacation.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Andros Island Pickin' Parlor at Small Hope Bay Lodge
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Turnbull's Gut Tango
Cathy and Trigger, of London, England, are our first contestants in the Small Hope Bay Lodge International Underwater Ballroom Dancing Contest. Let's give them a big hand!
Monday, January 21, 2008
A New Tradition at Small Hope Bay Lodge, Andros, Bahamas?

The occasional beach bonfire is certainly a lot of fun. Throw in homemade ice cream (Patty, Kathleen, Emily and Rachel got to help), fireworks and a great crowd of guests and you have a party! The question is, if you do it twice in the same week, is it a new tradition?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Small Hope Bay Is The Place for Celebrations

On behalf of the Small Hope Bay Lodge, it was our privilege that you chose Andros Island as your Special Place.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Andros Island Bahamas Wreck Diving!

Intentionally sunk as an artificial reef, The Marion was a construction barge being used by the US Navy at the nearby AUTEC base. This unique dive site features not only the hull of the barge, but also a tractor and crane boom that were part of the original vessel. Settled in 60-70 feet of water The Marion is a prime attraction for not only divers, but a wide variety of sea life.
All’s well that end’s w

Bahamas Island Bonfire!

As a man who really appreciates a good fire, guest Peter Pervan climbed into the fire pit, emptied it of smoking timbers, combed the beach for kindling and repacked the firepit. The result: a blazing inferno inspiring fireworks, junkanoo instruments, merriment and toasted marshmallows!
Thanks, Peter!